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Problem Handling
Below you find information on the different issues and how you should best handle each problem until maintenance arrives. Please ensure you fill out the form above so we have a complete email on the issues you are facing.
Water Damage
Please ensure you have shut off any water to avoid any further damage happening to the property. This can typically be done by contacting building management. If you are in a villa the water usually has a water tank valve you can shut off prior to it entering your property. This way you are not held liable for further damage by making it worse through inaction.
Water Heater
From time to time a water heater will fail. This is understandable. These problems can show themselves by dripping and or complete failure to heat water. In the case of dripping please remove any ceiling tiles to ensure you do not have any damage being done. Additionally you can shut off the valve with water going into the water header. They are typically red turn valve that you can turn off with your hand without any need for tools.
Cabinet Damage
Ensure you have cabinets cleared prior to maintenance arriving so they have clear view of any issues and can estimate the cost of repairs easily.
Mold Issues
Should you have mold and you know where it is coming from then please make sure to describe the issue as best you can and show the source in any photos you upload. If the source of the problem is unknown it may take longer to find, address and fix. Additionally do not leave the windows open so the mold issue is worsened by humidity. Ensure an air condition is running in the room to give air flow and to reduce the humidity.
Electrical Issues
Do not attempt to fix them yourself as you are held liable for the damage or injury on yourself. If you have the fuses turning off then ideally keep the faulty fuse off and avoid turning it on until maintenance arrives so you do not risk an electrical fire.
Should your fuse which is off have a fridge and freezer connected and they are not the cause avoid opening them too much to ensure any food products are kept cooled. Alternatively you can connect an extension cord temporarily to an outlet from another wall socket which is not affected by the fuse being off.